The big group from Journalism camp is finally leaving today. Woo hoo! Some of these kids have absolutely no moral compass and no idea what common sense is. I don't understand them. And those some really give the good ones a bad name. My 40 girls have not given me any problems besides the normal, "I'm away from home so I can act a little crazy!" Not a big deal.
Just for this portion of camp, we sent a kid home after the first night because he had chew (he didn't want to be here for some reason). We had a guy (not with us) jump out from some bushes and scare a few girls and then start chasing them. I, along with some other people, don't know how much we actually believe this. One night I had to yell at a boy for wearing a bra down in the lobby over his shirt. He was going to go do something with his friends and he had already made 1 group of girls really uncomfortable. He didn't like me after that. Oh well. This year the bad ones haven't been too bad but things have still happened.
There have been fun encounters too. I have a group of guys that I had to tell to go to bed every night. So after the first night, they wanted to know my name. From then on, whenever they would see me on campus, they wanted to know if they could stay up late. I had a girl on my floor who had the same personality as me so that was a blast. She kept apologizing because she didn't want to come off as mean but it cracked me up.
But most of the kids get to go home today :) For the first part of camp we had roughly 300. Thirty of them will stay through for the second part. Total for the second part we'll only have 150-200 so it won't be as bad, I saw that now but watch - something will happen.
Oh and I haven't had to go to the hospital for any injuries yet! We will see how the next part goes.