Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day

With all the snow that we got last night Buster and I decided to go out and play. He loves the snow and loves trying to catch snow balls. Which is great when I make snow balls just for him, not so great when I'm trying to make a snowman. I was trying to make a 'normal' sized snowman but Buster wasn't letting me get much past snow ball size before he dug into the ball.

So I had to resort to making a mini snowman.

You can see that I had to make him on the deck rail just so Buster wouldn't eat him.

As I sit here and watch out the window, I see one of my neighbors out shoveling the steps to their house in pjs and slippers. Oh my. I couldn't help but laugh.

Birthdays are the best time of the year

Woo hoo! I love my birthday! I don't care about presents and stuff on my bday. Just the fact that its my day and I always get a phone call at 3:02 pm. That's what time I was born 24 years ago and I've always made a big deal about that exact time on my bday. I normally don't consider February 2nd a good day until 3:02 pm. Because I always wait for that specific time of the day before I start celebrating, I've remembered what I've been doing for a lot of different years at that moment.

Here are just a few...

2000 - Freshman year of high school. I was in gym class playing volleyball. I was getting ready to serve the ball and because it was 3:01, I made everyone wait until it was 3:02 before I served. My classmates just didn't understand.

2005 - Freshman year at IWU. I was sitting in World Civ. One of the most boring classes for me. This birthday was the worst birthday I have ever had but I won't get into that.

2009 - I was sitting at my desk at work on the phone with a customer. My cell phone starting vibrating (my mom). I wished I could hang up on the customer (didn't happen). I'm still on the phone when I see my mom's number pop up on caller ID. Dwight answers the phone and when I finally get off the phone with dumb customer, my mom starts singing to me. Then my sister called my cell because she knows I make a big deal out of 3:02.

2010 - These didn't happen at 3:02. They were a couple hours earlier. Eric brought me hot chocolate with whip cream and cheesecake from McConn (just what I wanted.)

Brian brought me flowers. I was very surprised. :)