Monday, September 1, 2008

Who are your links?

Brian preached about missing links. How different people in life are links to God and who you are today. Its funny to think about different links in my life. Chain of events that have brought me to where I am today. I sometimes play the "What if" game. What if the BCM ad hadn't come in the mail and salad been on sale...would I still have gotten a job there? Then would I still have met Eric? What if my mom hadn't gone on a road trip and I hadn't stayed at Brian and Jaye's? Would I be as close to them as I am now? Would we even still have a relationship or would I just be another one of the youth group kids that get pushed to the back of your mind when they graduate and move on?

Its crazy to think about how you got to where you are today. What has happened in life that has made you who you are? My next personal mission is to somehow let the links in my life know how much them mean to me but I'll get on that after Thank-you notes are done.


The Hollands said...

So hows it going? Sharing with your links? Thanks for being a link in our lives.

The Hollands said...

I just tagged you in my latest blog post -