Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Working, school, planning. That's all that I seem to do.

But anyway right now we're watching the first episode of American Idol. It is so funny. There's a guy from Egypt on and he's hilarious. He made a comment about a girl that he really liked that was funny. He only loves this girl from her hair to another body part that's not very far away.

Back to my life though, my final semester on campus is underway. Its really bitter-sweet. Its the beginning of an end. My classes are going well. I enjoy them for the most part which is weird.

Work is going well. I'm still enjoying it.

Planning a wedding. Its been fun so far. I still have a lot to figure out but so far its been fun. Eric and I have gotten closer because of it, I would hope so anyway since it is our wedding. But things are coming, I don't have my dress yet but I'm pretty sure I know which one I want.

People on American Idol have this way of ruining perfectly good songs. Crazy people. Do they seriously think they are good?

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